Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Title Page

Everything Under the Sun

Taylor Wiggins
Ms. Jacobson
Spring 2010

Dedication Page

I would like to dedicate this poetry collection to Ms. Jacobson-
You're the only reason I wrote the following poems in the first place.


Tabe of Contents

Title Page (1)
Dedication Page (2)
Table of Contents (3)
Forward (4)
Definition of Poetry (5)
Poem 1: Name Acrostic, Characterization of Self (6)
Poem 2: Complex Acrostic, Unnoticed Moments (7)
Poem 3: Biopoem, Who I am (8)
Poem 4: Alphabet Poem, What in the World? (9)
Poem 5: Found Poem One, Welcome Home (10)
Poem 6: Found Poem Two, Oh, How Charming! (11)
Poem 7: Concrete Poem One, Neverending (12)
Poem 8: Concrete Poem Two, Catching Some Z's (13)
Poem 9: Diamond Poem, Hello Mr. Sun, Goodbye Mr. Moon (14)
Poem 10: Diamond Poem, Sea Dwellers (15)
Poem 11: Dream Poem, Piano Boogie (16)
Poem 12: Dream Poem, I'm in a Pickle (17)
Poem 13: Wish Poem, Terminal Velocity (18)
Poem 14: Wish Poem, Time Controller (19)
Poem 15: Lie Poem, Dream Weaver (20)
Poem 16: Lie Poem, Dips in the Earth (21)
Poem 17: I Used to Be, Reborn Beauty (22)
Poem 18: I Used to Be, Change of Seasons (23)
Poem 19: Apology Poem (This is Just to Say), Mistaken Identity (24)
Poem 20: Apology Poem (I'm Sorry), Gone Bananas (25)
Poem 21: Five W's, Rapid Eye Movement (26)
Poem 22: Five W's, But Pond Scum Isn't So Bad (27)
Poem 23: Q & A Poem, (Bleep)!!! (28)
Poem 24: Dialogue Poem, Before Spring Awakens (29)
Poem 25: Relative Clause Poem, Children (30)
Poem 26: Verb Poem, Saturday (31)
Poem 27: Preposition Poem, Theme Park Adventures (32)
Poem 28: Alliteration Poem, Bridget (33)
Poem 29: Onomatopoeia Poem, Nolan Elizabeth (34)
Poem 30: Recipe Poem Version A, Recipe for Kindness Version A (35)
Poem 31: Recipe Poem Version B, Recipe for Kindness Version B (36)
Poem 32: Memory Poem, Home Sweet Home (37)
Poem 33: Origin Story Poem, The Rainbow (38)
Poem 34: Haiku, Spring Flowers (39)
Poem 35: Haiku, Rain, Rain Go Away (40)
Poem 36: Haiku, We Have Visitors (41)
Poem 37: One Sentence Poem, Brown Bag (42)
Poem 38: One Sentence Poem, Bwown Bag (43)
Poem 39: One Sentence Poem, Brown Bag (44)
Poem 40: The Secrets of Color, Smoke (45)
Poem 41: Letter Poem, Loss of a Loved One (46)
Poem 42: Question Poem, Fast Foward Ten Years (47)
Poem 43: Impossible! Poem, Mirror, Mirror On the Wall (48)
Poem 44: Found Poem, (49)
Poem 45: Metaphor Poem, Mother Nature (50)
Poem 46: Simile Poem, Similar We Are Not (51)
Poem 47: Free Choice, Finish Line (52)
Poem 48: Bonus Poem, Do the Tango! (53)
Poem 49: Bonus Poem, My Mutt (54)



Everything Under the Sun
The title of my poetry collection encompasses any and every topic that there is to discuss; therefore, my poems are on a wide variety of topics.

Over the past semester, I have learned that there is no such thing as an amature poet. Everyone can write poetry. I hope that my readers will learn they are capable of writing poetry.

There is not a particular poem I would like for my readers to pay special attention to, so read all of my poems and enjoy!

Definition of Poetry

"Poetry is the journal of the sea animal living on land, wanting to fly in the air. Poetry is a search for syllables to shoot at the barriers of the unknown and the unknowable. Poetry is a phantom script telling how rainbows are made and why they go away."

Carl Sandburg

"Poetry is emotion expressed through words."

Taylor Wiggins

Poetry is simple to me, so I defined poetry simplistically.

Poem 1- Name Acrostic

Characterization of Self



Poem 2- Complex Acrostic

Unnoticed Moments

Toads hop and croak in the Amazon
Aliens watch the Earth from far away
Yams grow underneath rich farm soil
Light illuminates the morning sky
Owls take flight to catch a midnight prey
Rocket ships disappear into space

Wimpering puppies cry for food
Intellects ponder their recent findings
Great Emperors collapse as dynasties fall
Giant sunbursts errupt
Impaired readers run their fingers across brail
Neptune orbits slowly around the Sun
Stars twinkle in the night sky

Evenings give way to sunrises
X-rays make images of the human body
Icicles melt into puddles
Stallions roam free in the wild
Tattered sails catch the furious winds
Sand storms travel across deserts

Poem 3- Biopoem

Who I am

Observative, Curious, Uncertain, Wanderlust
Relative of Gregory and Traci Wiggins
Lover of family, good food, and animals
Who feels sleepy, anxious, and hungry
Who needs love, affection, and friends
Who fears loneliness, spiders, and sleep deprivation
Who gives donations, care, and laughter
Who would like to see different countries, see kindness demonstrated daily, and see the world in harmony
Resident of Planet Earth

Poem 4- Alphabet Poem

What in the World?

Alien spacecraft
Bear hugs
Duck, duck, goose
Energy bar
Fried egg
Gagging order
Himalayan Mountains
Ice pops
Kite in the wind
Master chef
Nintendo Wii
Penguin dance
Quiet laughter
Rambo's revenge
Studded belt
Tag along
Ultraviolet rays
Van Gogh paintings
Walla walla bing bang
X-ray machine
Yakking yaks
Zippers on pants

Poem 5- Found Poem 1

Welcome Home

Poem 6- Found Poem 2: Newspaper Article

Oh, How Charming!

A face full of seductivness could knock the socks off any Hollywood star
What a beautiful face
A face to die for that will melt you heart
What a beguiling face
A face full of feminine good looks that puts Grace Kelly to shame
What a perfect face

Who could ever meet your expectations?

Poem 7- Concrete Poem 1: One Word


Poem 8- Concrete Poem 2: Complex Concrete

Catching Some Z's

Poem 9- Diamond Poem

Hello Mr. Sun, Goodbye Mr. Moon

dark, black
sleeping, dreaming, renewing
moon, stars, clouds, sun
awakening, refreshing, eye-opening
bright, light

Poem 10- Diamond Poem

Sea Dwellers

radial, crawling
laying, budding, pooping
deuterosomes, coelomate, protosome, acoelomate
stringing, floating, swimming
medusa, hydra

Poem 11- Dream Poem

Piano Boogie

I dreamed I was a piano man
playing my piano for all to hear

Poem 12- Dream Poem

I'm in a Pickle

In my dreams I ate a jar of pickles
And my stomach churned with pickle juice
So I belched a big pickle burp
Then my tummy no longer hurt

Poem 13- Wish Poem

Terminal Velocity

I wish I were skydiving
Falling from the morning sky

Poem 14- Wish Poem

Time Controller

I wish I were a clock
So I could control time
And dictate busy schedules
Throughout the day

Poem 15- Lie Poem

Dream Weaver

Dreams are brief glimpses
into an alternate universe

Poem 16- Lie Poem

Dips in the Earth

Valleys are footprints of giants

Poem 17- I Used to Be

Reborn Beauty

I used to be a broken winged Sparrow
But now I am a fluttering beauty

Poem 18- I Used to Be Poem

Change of Seasons

I used to be a charming mistress
In the early spring of my time
But now I am a forgotten widow
In the winter of my life

Poem 19- Apology Poem: This is Just to Say

Mistaken Identity

This is just to say
I have forgotten
Your name
That is spoken regularly

And which
You probably
Rely on
For your recognition

Forgive me,
I am a bit forgetful,
A little unattentive,
But mostly uninterested

Poem 20- Apology Poem: I'm Sorry

Gone Bananas

I'm sorry

I have lost
My sanity
That kept me composed for so long

Were probably
Counting on my
Mental stability

Forgive me,
I have lost my mind
Check in later
I might be back

Poem 21- Five W's

Rapid Eye Movement


Poem 22- Five W's

But Pond Scum Isn't so Bad

A shallow murky pond
Nestled between muddy banks
Teems with aquatic life
Every second of every day
To create a fruitful ecosystem

Poem 23- Q & A Poem


When will this class end?
After the dismissal bell rings.

Will I not have to write an essay in English?
Only if hell freezes over.

What is the chance the Calculus test will be cancelled?
Only if Pi becomes a rational number.

How much more of this can I take?
Well, I guess 42 more days.

Jesus Christ! What time is it?
It's only 8:30 a.m.

Poem 24- Dialogue Poem

Before Spring Awakens

"I am ready to grow!" said the Tree as he stretched his limbs. "Is it almost time?"

"You must be patient, young tree," said the Sun to the Tree. "The winter winds are too blistering for your tender leaves to grow. You must be patient."

"My body aches from the cold, and I am frail and brittle. I feel like I just might snap in two!" the Tree replied to the Sun.

"You will bloom and grow one day soon, but not today, Tree. Not today."

Poem 25- Relative Clause Poem


Who care not about societal standards
Who play in the mud and dirty their clothes
Who dream of being ballerinas and astronauts
Who cry when they scrap their knees
Who stain their lips with cherry popsicles
Who sleep with dolls and play with toys
Who enjoy bedtime stories
Who never grow tired after a long day
Who are fascinated by the world
Who enjoy all of the little things in life

Poem 26- Verb Poem


Waking up two hours later than usual
Stretching my arms as I take my time getting out of bed
Greeting the morning with a smile
Watching television while curled up on the couch
Ignoring the clock as time slips away
Taking an afternoon nap with my dogs
Deciding to finally watch that rental movie
Cooking a grilled cheese with my tomato soup
Going to bed late at night
Good thing tomorrow is Sunday

Poem 27- Preposition Poem

Theme Park Adventures

About to leave for the day
During the drive there I begin to get excited
Toward the park entrance we walk
Around the ticket booth are a flood of people
To the nearest ride we go
On the roller coaster we laugh and scream
Amid the crowd of people we get a little cranky
At lunch we grab something to eat
Onward with the day, we must continue
Good grief my feet hurt

Poem 28- Alliteration Poem


Bridget went below the bridge
To play in the babbling brook
She bounced around the Bartlet Pear trees
And chased butterflies and bees
She picked blossoming buttercups
And listened to baby birds sing beautiful ballads
She picked blackberries from the bushes
She fell into a brier patch
And her knees were badly bruised
And turned black and blue
Her blue bonnet blew off in the breeze
And the muddy banks browned her best dress

Poem 29- Onomatopoeia Poem

Nolan Elizabeth

She smiles from ear to ear
And greets you with the thumping sound
Of her tail wagging against the couch
Her toenails click against the hardwood floor
As she plays a game of fetch
She rustles the newly ironed sheets
She plops down beside you on the chair
Even if there is no more room
She is hardly a lady when she laps water
Because she drips it on the kitchen floor
What a mess

Poem 30- Recipe Poem Version A

Recipe for Kindness (Version A)

One opportunity to be supportive
A dash of empathy
Two scoops of patience
A forgiving smile
One big hug

Begin with a smile and hug a friend. Add patience and be supportive. When you mix all the ingredients together, you will have the peferect amount of kindness.

Poem 31- Recipe Poem Version B

Recipe for Kindness (Version B)

Fold two hands together
And express a dash of sorrow
Marinate it overnight
And work on it tomorrow.

Chop one grudge in tiny pieces
Add several cups of love
Dredge with a large sized smile
Mix with the ingredients above.

Dissolve the hate within you,
By doing a good deed
Cut in and help your friend
If he should be in need.

Stir in laughter, love an kindness
From the heart it has to come,
Toss with genuine forgiveness
And give your neighbor some.

The amount of people served
Will depend on you,
It can serve the whole wide world,
If you really want it to.

Poem 32- Memory Poem

Home Sweet Home

We crossed the state line
The oak tree became palm trees
Soil gave way to sand
I made the wrong choice
But I feared the return
The state line felt like the Berlin Wall
Stalling at a shopping mall parking lot
Waiting for friends chalked full of amphetamines
Chasing nothing but our next fix
Growing tired of chasing cheap thrills
Climbed back into the car early in the morning
The state line never felt more like home

Poem 33- Origin Story Poem

The Rainbow

One day after months of constant rain
The sun finally peaked out behind the clouds
Beams of light scattered the Earth
And one beam landed in the middle of the ocean
A fish was so enamured by the light
That he followed the sun-kissed trail to the surface
He leaped out of the water, and when he did
The most beautiful colors reflected of his gills
The gods were so pleased by the sight
That they tok a single gill from the fish
And spread the colors across the sky

Now after a rain storm, a colorful
Rainbow arcs across the sky

Poem 34- Haiku

Spring Flowers

Bees buzzing all day
Flowers beginning to bloom
Spring has now arrived

Poem 35- Haiku

Rain, Rain Go Away

The moist air hangs low
Gray clouds saturate the sky
The rain is coming

Poem 36- Haiku

We Have Visitors

Sweet desserts to eat
Food on a checkered blanket
An ant's paradise

Poem 37- One-Sentence Poem

Brown Bag

I packed your lunch this morning- a cheese and bologna sandwich with pickles and mayonnaise and a side of potato chips and a Little Debbie cake for desert and a napkin to clean your mouth

Poem 38- One-Sentence Poem

Brown Bag

I packed your lunch this morning- a cheese and bologna sandwich

with pickles
and mayonnaise
and a side of potato chips
and a Little Debbie cake for desert
and a napkin to clean your mouth

Poem 39- One-Sentence Poem

Brown Bag


a cheese and bologna sandwich

with pickles and mayonnaise and a side of potato chips and a Little Debbie cake for desert and a napkin to clean your mouth

Poem 40- The Secrets of Color


My mind is a cloudy gray
The sleepless night has put me in a smokey haze
Like a dull ash gray
My mind feels lifeless and dull
And I feel quit bored
I need sleep so I can transform
Into a brighter shade of gray
And shine like silver

Poem 41- Letter Poem

Loss of a Loved One

Dear Papa,

It has now been a little over a month since you died. As you can imagine, these first several weeks have been very difficult for me, as well as mom and Grams. I believe it has been the most difficult for Grams. I know your last several years were difficult with Grams getting so frustrated with you and your inability to do the things that you once did. I wish now I would have spent more time with you and tried to buffer you from those things. I am sorry that it was so hard for you to not to be able to do all things you once did and enjoyed. I bet it was difficult to let someone drive you everywhere and to have people cut your grass, do the pool chores, and just the everyday “papa” things you once did for everyone.

Grams tries to act so strong without you, but I know she is lost. I cannot imagine living with someone for forty-seven years and then that person is suddenly gone. Even if the times were not always the best, at least Grams had someone there with her. Mom and I are trying to take care of Grams the best we can. We go over at least once a week to see her and mom calls her every day. Right now, however, that does not seem to be enough. But, I bet you know that as you lived with her for so many years.

Even though you were sick for such a long time, I still cannot believe your life ended so quickly. I think back over the past several years and remember all the things that you said and did to try and prepare us for life without you. I wish now we would have listened to you and understood what you obviously felt and knew. It's funny the little things that make me and mom wish you were here. The other day one of our fuses blew in the basement. Of course, as you know, dad cannot fix anything. Mom kept saying, “If papa was here, I could call and ask him about this.” Mom had to get the Ace Hardware man to help her figure out what was wrong. Mom and I also had to tear down part of the dog pen in the basement for the new hot water heater to be installed. We were so funny. It was like a handyman's nightmare. We kept laughing and telling each other that you were just laughing and shaking your head at us. But, we got it down and the new heater went in. It is times that these that we truly miss you.

I am also going to miss seeing you at my high school graduation. I know you would be very proud of me. You will be happy to know that I have decided to attend UAB and pursue a degree in the medical field. Mom and dad are going to help me find an apartment or loft close to school. I will also be close to mom and Grams if they ever need me for anything.

Mom and I are also going to Gadsden every other week to see Inez and to visit your grave. Mom takes pine straw to fluff up the ground until the grass takes hold. She also brings flowers to your grave each visit. She is very worried about not visiting as we should. Mom really misses you too. She tries to be very strong and take care of everyone, but she misses her dad. She talks about you all the time.

Papa, I love you very much and am very thankful that I had almost 18 years with the best grandfather. You did a lot for me during my life and I miss you.



Dear Papa,

As you can imagine, this has been a difficult time
I'm sorry things were hard for you
And you could not do the thing you once did for everyone
You were sick for a long time
But your life ended so quickly
I remember all the things that you said
To try to prepare us for life without you
But it did not make things easier
You did a lot for me and I miss you

Love you, Taylor

Poem 42- Question Poem

Fast Forward Ten Years

Who are you?
Are you like me? Or are you changed completely?
Can you remember my hopes for you?
Are you satisfied?
Did you settle? Or did you fight for your dreams?
What am I like in the future?

Poem 43- Impossible! Poem

Mirror Mirror On the Wall

Yesterday I had my youth
My face glowed with beauty
And my body was firm and inviting
Now I am aged and I have grown old
I knew my youth would one day fade
And I feared the ticking of the clock
But there is nothing I can do
I am old now
I grow older with every passing second
I wish I could stay young forever
But there is no returning of yesterday

Poem 44- Found Poem (The Royal Tenenbaums)

Sad News

Is there an alternative?
Baby, I'm dying, and the future looks dark.
It wasn't worth it. All of it.
I'm washed up, and I'm tired.
I had a rough year and things aren't looking up.
Apologizing won't make things easier.
So I'm not sorry.
I wonder what you will say when you find me,
But it's not important now.

I do not want to regain consciousness.
I've been tired of this place for a while.

Poem 45- Metaphor Poem

Mother Nature

Rain is a cleansing bath
Arriving when you need it the most
And when its presence is much need
The sun is a delightful smile
Warming the hearts of all
And brightening the sky
Nature is a beauty
For all to appreciate
And for all to see
It covers the Earth with its wonders
And graces our hearts with all its beauty
Nature is beauty