Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Poem 2- Complex Acrostic

Unnoticed Moments

Toads hop and croak in the Amazon
Aliens watch the Earth from far away
Yams grow underneath rich farm soil
Light illuminates the morning sky
Owls take flight to catch a midnight prey
Rocket ships disappear into space

Wimpering puppies cry for food
Intellects ponder their recent findings
Great Emperors collapse as dynasties fall
Giant sunbursts errupt
Impaired readers run their fingers across brail
Neptune orbits slowly around the Sun
Stars twinkle in the night sky

Evenings give way to sunrises
X-rays make images of the human body
Icicles melt into puddles
Stallions roam free in the wild
Tattered sails catch the furious winds
Sand storms travel across deserts

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