Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Poem 41- Letter Poem

Loss of a Loved One

Dear Papa,

It has now been a little over a month since you died. As you can imagine, these first several weeks have been very difficult for me, as well as mom and Grams. I believe it has been the most difficult for Grams. I know your last several years were difficult with Grams getting so frustrated with you and your inability to do the things that you once did. I wish now I would have spent more time with you and tried to buffer you from those things. I am sorry that it was so hard for you to not to be able to do all things you once did and enjoyed. I bet it was difficult to let someone drive you everywhere and to have people cut your grass, do the pool chores, and just the everyday “papa” things you once did for everyone.

Grams tries to act so strong without you, but I know she is lost. I cannot imagine living with someone for forty-seven years and then that person is suddenly gone. Even if the times were not always the best, at least Grams had someone there with her. Mom and I are trying to take care of Grams the best we can. We go over at least once a week to see her and mom calls her every day. Right now, however, that does not seem to be enough. But, I bet you know that as you lived with her for so many years.

Even though you were sick for such a long time, I still cannot believe your life ended so quickly. I think back over the past several years and remember all the things that you said and did to try and prepare us for life without you. I wish now we would have listened to you and understood what you obviously felt and knew. It's funny the little things that make me and mom wish you were here. The other day one of our fuses blew in the basement. Of course, as you know, dad cannot fix anything. Mom kept saying, “If papa was here, I could call and ask him about this.” Mom had to get the Ace Hardware man to help her figure out what was wrong. Mom and I also had to tear down part of the dog pen in the basement for the new hot water heater to be installed. We were so funny. It was like a handyman's nightmare. We kept laughing and telling each other that you were just laughing and shaking your head at us. But, we got it down and the new heater went in. It is times that these that we truly miss you.

I am also going to miss seeing you at my high school graduation. I know you would be very proud of me. You will be happy to know that I have decided to attend UAB and pursue a degree in the medical field. Mom and dad are going to help me find an apartment or loft close to school. I will also be close to mom and Grams if they ever need me for anything.

Mom and I are also going to Gadsden every other week to see Inez and to visit your grave. Mom takes pine straw to fluff up the ground until the grass takes hold. She also brings flowers to your grave each visit. She is very worried about not visiting as we should. Mom really misses you too. She tries to be very strong and take care of everyone, but she misses her dad. She talks about you all the time.

Papa, I love you very much and am very thankful that I had almost 18 years with the best grandfather. You did a lot for me during my life and I miss you.



Dear Papa,

As you can imagine, this has been a difficult time
I'm sorry things were hard for you
And you could not do the thing you once did for everyone
You were sick for a long time
But your life ended so quickly
I remember all the things that you said
To try to prepare us for life without you
But it did not make things easier
You did a lot for me and I miss you

Love you, Taylor

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